V. Surikov Moscow State Academy Art Institute

Address: 30 Tovarisheski Pereulok
109004 Moscow, Russia
Tel: 495 912 3932

Rector: Prof. Anatoly A. Lyubavin
Honored Artist of the Russian Federation
Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts
Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Arts
Tel: 495 912 3932
Fax: 495 912 1875
E-mail: mgahi-rector@rambler.ru

V. Surikov Moscow State Academy Art Institute is one of the leading centers of higher art education in Russia.

In 1939, Igor Grabar became the first rector of the Moscow State Art Institution. The noted artist, art historian and talented teacher I. Grabar managed to attract to the Institute such renowned artists as S. Gerasimov, A. Deineka, A. Lentulov, V. Favorski, A. Osmerkin, K. Istomin who greatly contributed to the development of the best traditions of the Moscow art school.

In 1947 the Institute became a division of the USSR Academy of Arts. In 1948, in honor of the centenary of V. Surikov’s birth, the Institute was named after the celebrated Russian artist V. Surikov.

The Institute comprises five faculties:
Faculty of Painting;
Faculty of Graphic Art:
Faculty of Sculpture;
Faculty of Architecture;
Faculty of Theory and History of Arts.

Faculty of Painting

It is the biggest faculty with more than 200 students who are trained in seven workshops: four workshops of easel painting; two workshops of monumental art and a workshop of theatrical-decorative painting. Besides the curriculum, all the above workshops provide extra-curricular activity focused on painting from models.
In workshops of monumental art students master the technique of mosaic, wall painting, stained glass. The workshop of theatrical decorative art offers history of theatre and costume.
Many eminent artists gave classes at the Faculty: I. Grabar; P. Corin; A. Deineka; S. Gerasimov, V, Ryndin, etc.

Faculty of Graphic Art

The Faculty has three workshops: easel drawing, graphic design and posters; book illustrations. The curriculum includes not only painting and drawing lessons, but also the study of different publishing processes and graphic techniques: etching; lithography, linocut; xylography, serigraphy.
The Institute boasts its best heads of the above workshops: D. Moor; M. Cheremnykh; V. Favorski; E. Kibrick, N. Ponomarev.

Faculty of Sculpture

The Faculty promotes the best traditions of Russian realistic school as basics for sculptors’ training. Sketches, easel, monumental and decorative sculpture, bas-relief, high relief, animal sculpture, experiments in various materials are major stages of the educational process. Such noted sculptors as N. Tomski, M. Manizer, L. Kerbel, O. Komov were teachers of the Faculty in different periods.

Faculty of Architecture

Set up in 2001, the Faculty of Architecture is the youngest in the structure of the Institute. Based on classical Russian school, it offers a wide range of specialization in various areas of modern architecture and design.

Faculty of Theory and History of Arts

The Faculty trains specialists in theory and history of arts, antiquity, museum and exhibition activity.

Each academic year is accompanied by a summer practice in various parts of Russia where students perfect their skills, experiment and paint plein-air studies under the supervision of their teachers. The final-year students do their graduate work.

The Institute offers a one academic year preparatory course for international students including the Russian language, basics of drawing, painting, composition, sculpture, as well as introduction into Russian culture.
Post-graduate offerings are: bachelor’s and master’s degree program, probation program. Graduates of all degrees earn appropriate certificates.

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